The Power of Pyramids
In The Secrets of the Pyramids Revealed, authors Vilim Kanjski & Hrvoje Zujić connect lots of dots from a variety of scientific research that heretofore had been considered on the margins of science. But their findings are fascinating; weaving together the scalar technology of Tesla, orgonomy, structured water and much more.
The Secrets of the Pyramids Revealed paints a broad picture of the purported purpose and proven powers of the pyramids, closely aligning with Ibrahim Karim’s perspective expressed in his book, Biogeometry, Back to the Future for Mankind.
In “Harmony of Heaven and Earth,” Chapter 9 of Kanjski & Zujić’s book, can be found detail regarding the marvelous properties and technology of pyramids. Their experiments conducted inside the pyramids resulted in the following observations:
• The pyramids collect and direct the energy of space (“free energy“)
• They also work as energy generators
• They intensify crystallization
• They increase dehydration up to 60% and perform mummification
• They prevent mildew and putrefaction
• Food and drink becomes tastier
• Razor blades sharpen themselves
• Water evaporates 15% faster in a pyramid
• Using water from a pyramid for washing the skin makes the skin soft and flexible
• Water from a pyramid tastes better than common water
• An avocado fruit watered with water from a pyramid grew roots after four weeks, and grew into a 20 cm tree after another 15 days, while the other avocado fruit, which was watered with common water, did not grow any roots even after a few months.
• Plants watered with water from a pyramid grow faster and they are more fertile.
• Flowers have more blossoms and fewer diseases.
• In the book, “Magnetizing Water Systems” published in Moscow in 1982, it is mentioned that water which was flowing through a magnetic field at right angles to force lines, had properties that were reminiscent of water kept in a pyramid. This realization supports the claim that permanent magnets have their own orgone field, and answers the question about what is flowing through magnetic force lines.
• French researcher M. Violet made one liter of chemically pure water by burning hydrogen in oxygen atmosphere. Into this water, he immersed a tadpole (young of a frog), which momentarily became motionless and immediately died. He poured that water into a closed container, sealed it and left it on his balcony for a week, exposed to the influence of the Sun and the stars. After that, he immersed another tadpole into the water, which lived inside it and developed normally.
• Chemically pure water is dead water. If this water is exposed to the Sun’s radiation for some time, by which it is nourished, or if it is stored in a pyramid for a while, it becomes living water that supports life.
• If living water is heated to a temperature exceeding 60 degrees Celsius, or if it is brought into prolonged contact with a metal, it becomes dead water.
• Pyramids make the water more vital, and more valuable in an energetic sense, for all living organisms.
• Experiments with planted plants stored in pyramids demonstrate an accelerated growth and quicker ripening.
• The same result is achieved by watering them with water from a pyramid.
• The growth of trees, plants and grain on the Earth’s surface is connected to star and sun cycles, which has been researched by the renowned astronomer William Herschel, who claimed that everything grows better during maximum solar activity.
• Dr. Harold Saxton Burr determined that crops fail (accounting for years of famine) during solar activity known as “sun spots“.
• A sunflower in a pyramid has a semicircular motion, and it bends towards the floor of the pyramid in regular cycles of two hours each.
• When an aluminum curtain is placed inside a pyramid, only the part of the plant that is higher than this aluminum curtain is moving.
• When a powerful permanent magnet is placed into a pyramid, plants stop moving in most cases.
• Gold foil placed in a pyramid attracts the plants, which lean towards the foil, eventually entangling it completely.
• All plants perceive the energy of the pyramid and, when they are outside the pyramid, they lean towards the pyramid during their growth process.
• They experimented with a climbing plant which has the ability to find each favorable protrusion in the wall, or a nail driven into a wall, and tie itself to these objects with its flexible outgrowths. The climbing plants were placed into a chamber and a nail was driven into a wall close to the plant. To the east, a small pyramid was placed with a height of only three centimeters. The plant neglected the nail and turned toward the pyramid, completely entangling it after only a few hours. Regardless of how many nails were driven into walls next to the plants, the plants would always turn toward the pyramid and entangle it, as the energy of the pyramid was the most attractive one as far as the plants were concerned.
• Through measurements, it was determined that the brain waves of a person sleeping inside a wooden pyramid are completely different from the brain waves of those who slept outside the pyramid.
• An experiment with a golden Syrian hamster, who had a small pyramid inside its cage, demonstrated that the hamster always built his nest next to the pyramid, and the hamster has also done this after the pyramid was removed from the cage, dragging the nest toward the place where the pyramid used to be, as if some kind of energy footprint was still present.
• Galen Hieronymus, the designer of a scalar wave production device, was cultivating plants in a completely darkened room, with no sunlight whatsoever. One of the plants, which had a metal plate placed above itself, and the metal plate was connected with a metal wire to another metal plate at the roof of the house, was growing in a normal fashion, as if it was growing outside the house, although it had no access to sunlight. All the other plants died. Hieronymus believed that the biophoton quantums of the orgone energy of life, which came from the roof of the house into the dark cellar through a metal conductor, enabled the plant to live, and it survived without any visible sunlight, but with the help of this biophoton emission.
• An experiment with chili pepper has shown the following:
o A chili pepper placed into a pyramid along the north–south axis over a period of twenty days remains green and dry.
o A chili pepper placed into a pyramid along the east–west axis over the same period of time gains a red color and ripe.
o When we bend the chili pepper at a right angle, with one end along the north-south axis and the other along the east-west axis, the end which has north-south direction remains green, while the east-west end becomes ripe and red.
o It was experimentally proven that the effects we shall obtain in pyramids will depend on the size of the pyramids and the materials used in their construction, but we shall have no effects whatsoever if we build the pyramid from aluminum or a mirror.
o An experiment with a glass of water containing decaying fish has shown that the water completely cleared and cleaned itself after twenty days in a pyramid, and the decaying fish settled at the bottom. The water had no smell and it could have been used for drinking.
“The Secrets of the Pyramids Revealed” is full of golden nuggets; the product of long years of research by the writers.
You can always verify their findings using your own Giza Pyramid from Metaforms. And you can get the ebook for free on scribd and keychest.